Author: Gheorghe Fala
Results-Dorothea Dix Sprint June 27, 2021
Almost 40 orienteers braved a hot June day in Raleigh to enjoy some short, fast sprints.The early starts had the advantage of relatively lower temperatures and more cloud cover, but everyone had plenty of humidity. Those who started later got to see the Pride parade down Umstead Dr. There was one obvious mistake by the…
Dorothea Dix Sprint June 27, 2021
On June 27, we will be holding an Open Sprint orienteering event at Dix Park in Raleigh. Everyone is welcome. We will not be offering beginner classes or instruction, but some courses are easier by virtue of being shorter. For those new to orienteering we can provide textual control descriptions. Register near the gazebo on…
Results-Sprint at Bond Park on Sunday, June 13th
Apologies for publishing results so late. The weather was absolutely perfect for mid-June. We had a good number of starts. There were several interesting coincidences: Jeff and Imre were separated by exactly 16 seconds for both sprints, and Imre was tied on second place with exactly the same time by Matt. Many thanks to everyone…