Orienteering Raleigh NC

Backwoods Orienteering Klub, founded November 15, 1978 sponsors events and teaches orienteering in the North Carolina piedmont, around Raleigh, NC.

We invite you to try orienteering with us. Everyone is welcome at all our events. We always offer beginning, intermediate, advanced and expert courses (routes through the woods) at every Regular event.

Results for January 22, 2017 Umstead South

The weather threatened us with downpours and thunderstorms but backed down at the last minute. In spite of the blustering weather forecast, the event had a good turnout. We ended up with a relatively pleasant, overcast day, with a light misting drizzle which only started during control pickup.

There were numerous Did Not Finish results on Orange, suggesting that the navigational challenge on the Orange course was of above average difficulty.

The difficulty on the advanced courses was more physical, particularly involving the amount of climb. One runner on red logged 440m of climb over the course of their run.

The download printer worked only intermittently at the event; some club members suggested that the problem was a result of an insufficient battery charge on the printer. However, there was no problem with the download box itself, and so posted results should be complete.

One interesting detail regarding the electronic equipment used at our events is the fact that the clocks on our controls are not perfect and will drift slightly, such that over time they will be off by up to a minute or so. This happened on controls 72 and 57 (on both the White and Yellow courses). Even though these control’s clocks were off by at most a minute, some people were running so fast that they appeared to be time travelling, running to a control and punching it in effectively negative time. Those control’s clocks were adjusted for the results posted here. If you were one of the few people to get a printout when you downloaded, you might notice your time around these two controls will be slightly different between the paper and web results.

Thank you to the following people who assisted us with the event:

Control pickup: Imre Polik, Ian Shields, Pat McQuaid
Beginner class instruction: Joseph Huberman

Addendum: Results modified to include Mihai’s download (on Red), and again to include Rachel’s download (on White).


White Course: 8 KP 1.7 km

     1 Kevin McCabe                   19:46     72 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
     2 Steven Sandoval, Aaron         24:09     72 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
     3 Cameron Allen, Jacob, Marce    36:15     72 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
     4 Landon Flood, Luke             42:10     72 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
     5 Micah Long, Charles            42:42     72 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
     6 Sam Deakins, Joey              42:58     72 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
     7 Gill Karminder, Keerthan       51:45     72 57 58 59 56 60 61 62 63
     8 Layne Comfort                1:11:20     72 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
     9 Rachel Clarke, Eric          1:39:29     72 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
       Joel Caliendo, Caswell           DNF     72 57 59 60 61 62 63

Yellow Course: 11 KP 2.5 km

     1 Kei Sanchez               33:06     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 63 62 61 60
     2 Joshua Coleman            35:54     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
     3 Jacob Edwards             43:04     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
     4 Jacob Halacheff           46:08     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
     5 Jennifer Owen             49:18     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
     6 Hayden Winchell           49:44     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
     7 Joseph Halacheff          50:36     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
     8 Joel Caliendo, Caswell    51:07     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
     9 Tatiana Vinnichenko       56:23     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
    10 Benjamin Burris           58:40     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
    11 Williom Tolliver, Emin  1:02:46     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
    12 Miles Eubanks, Polk     1:08:12     72 72 71 70 69 59 59 58 57 63 52 62 62 61 60
    13 Gene Ramsey             1:16:41     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
    14 Susanna Morris          1:18:53     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
    15 Tyler Krutul            1:21:58     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
    16 Katherine Wells         1:23:25     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
    17 Pat McQuaid             1:30:29     72 71 70 69 59 58 57 63 62 61 60
       Zander Pool                 DNF     62 61 60 60

Orange Course: 10 KP 4.0 km

     1 Joseph Roy                               43:07     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
     2 Atlee Pool                             1:02:44     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
     3 Ryan Kiluk                             1:16:22     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
     4 Kevin McCabe                           1:23:52     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
     5 Conrad, Scarlett                       1:30:02     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
     6 Ballou, Renken                         1:32:26     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
     7 Sheets, King                           1:36:21     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
     8 Johnathan Solorzano                    1:36:33     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
     9 Potts, Simon Boone                     1:38:37     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
    10 West, West                             1:40:04     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
    11 Joshua Sellars                         1:44:25     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
    12 Dominic Troche                         1:50:52     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
    13 Sergei Vinnichenko                     1:53:43     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
    14 Kevin Morris                           2:16:02     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
    15 Tyberius Tooley                        2:16:57     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
    16 Gage Styron                            2:33:03     52 41 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
       John Tomczyk, Maggie                       DNF     52 41 67 53 54 55 49
       Miles Eubanks                              DNF     52 41 67 67 53 54 55 49 49
       Robert Agans, Simrin, Nilhhil              DNF     52 41 67 53 54 55
       White, Roberts                             DNF     52 41 67 53 54
       Burns, Nifong                              DNF     52 41 67 53 54
       Mick Tellefsen, Glen, Courtney, Chloe      DNF     52 41 67
       Gene Ramsey                                DNF     52 41 56
       Chip Clifton                               DNF     52 62 67 53 54 55 49 50 48 56
       Emin Cox, William                          DNF     52
       Benjamin Burris, Sinclair                  DNF     52

Brown Course: 10 KP 4.0 km

     1 Debra Rezeli                           1:13:15     41 53 54 64 55 65 49 48 50 51
     2 Ian Shields                            1:17:13     41 53 54 64 55 65 49 48 50 51
     3 Mike Wood                              1:18:48     41 53 54 64 55 65 49 48 50 51
     4 Tatyana Stemkovski                     1:24:56     41 53 54 64 55 65 49 48 50 51
     5 Ruth Bromer                            1:35:53     41 53 54 64 55 65 49 48 50 51
     6 Ron Brown                              1:43:48     41 53 54 64 55 65 49 48 50 51
     7 Ashley Scholer                         1:50:05     41 53 54 64 55 65 49 48 50 51
       Aaron Oxendine, Alex, Kristen, Tayler      DNF     63 41 53 54 64 55

Green Course: 10 KP 5.7 km

     1 David Waller     1:22:43     41 53 54 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     2 Josef Trzicky    1:26:06     41 53 54 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     3 Joseph Huberman  1:28:43     41 53 54 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     4 Doug Corkhill    1:35:42     41 53 54 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     5 Nadia Scharlau   1:47:02     41 53 54 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     6 Carl Briscoe     1:51:20     41 53 54 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     7 Harold Meder     2:32:31     41 53 54 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
       Kennedy Paylor       DNF     41 53 54 46 65 48 49 50 51

Red Course: 13 KP 6.9 km

     1 Vladimir Stemkovski  1:09:09     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     2 Mihai Ibanescu       1:24:03     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     3 Brian Thompson       1:24:40     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     4 Kevin Wilkinson      1:28:38     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     5 Robert Enochs        1:28:48     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     6 Ed                   2:02:23     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     7 Imre Polik           2:06:43     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     8 David Valenziano     2:10:06     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
     9 Tim Devine           2:21:13     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
    10 Joseph Marincel      2:22:17     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 48 49 50 51
       Holly Spain              DNF     41 42 43 44 73 45 46 47 65 49
       David Butler             DNF     41 42 43 44 73 45 47 65 48 49 50 51
       David Farrier            DNF     41 54 46 65 48 50 51

Total of 83 starts.


White Course: 8 KP 1.7 km

  # Name                          Result   Start     1.( 72)   2.( 57)   3.( 58)   4.( 59)   5.( 60)   6.( 61)   7.( 62)   8.( 63)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Kevin McCabe                   19:46 13:00:18      54  3   1:45  3   2:34  4   4:20  1   9:28  2  12:45  2  14:26  2  16:50  1  19:46  1   19:46    11.63
                                                       54  3     51  4     49  4   1:46  1   5:08  2   3:17  2   1:41  2   2:24  1   2:56  3
                                                       30        23        36         0      1:29        20        13         0         8   
  2 Steven Sandoval, Aaron         24:09 11:38:23    1:02  4   2:03  4   2:29  3   4:47  2   8:26  1  11:23  1  12:51  1  21:17  2  24:09  2   24:09    14.21
                                                     1:02  4   1:01  5     26  3   2:18  3   3:39  1   2:57  1   1:28  1   8:26  4   2:52  2
                                                       38        33        13        32         0         0         0      6:02         4   
  3 Cameron Allen, Jacob, Marce    36:15 11:32:11    4:04  8   5:07  8   8:44  7  12:17  6  20:05  5  24:04  4  27:19  4  31:09  3  36:15  3   36:15    21.32
                                                     4:04  8   1:03  6   3:37  9   3:33  5   7:48  5   3:59  4   3:15  6   3:50  2   5:06  6
                                                     3:40        35      3:24      1:47      4:09      1:02      1:47      1:26      2:18   
  4 Landon Flood, Luke             42:10 11:25:26   15:11 10  16:01 10  16:18  9  18:18  8  27:08  7  30:42  7  34:15  6  38:15  4  42:10  4   42:10    24.80
                                                    15:11 10     50  3     17  2   2:00  2   8:50  6   3:34  3   3:33  7   4:00  3   3:55  5
                                                    14:47        22         4        14      5:11        37      2:05      1:36      1:07   
  5 Micah Long, Charles            42:42 11:43:30      24  1     56  2   2:16  2   7:18  3  14:16  3  21:43  3  24:22  3  39:54  5  42:42  5   42:42    25.12
                                                       24  1     32  2   1:20  6   5:02  6   6:58  4   7:27  7   2:39  4  15:32  9   2:48  1
                                                        0         4      1:07      3:16      3:19      4:30      1:11     13:08         0   
  6 Sam Deakins, Joey              42:58 13:05:14      27  2     55  1   1:08  1   8:25  4  24:49  6  29:15  5  30:56  5  39:55  6  42:58  6   42:58    25.27
                                                       27  2     28  1     13  1   7:17  7  16:24  7   4:26  5   1:41  2   8:59  6   3:03  4
                                                        3         0         0      5:31     12:45      1:29        13      6:35        15   
  7 Gill Karminder, Keerthan       51:45 12:57:26    2:28  7   4:24  7   5:20  6   8:27  5  15:12  4  29:42  6  35:08  7  44:07  7  51:45  7   51:45    30.44
                                                     2:28  7   1:56  8     56  5   3:07  4   6:45  3  14:30  8   5:26  8   8:59  6   7:38  9
                                                     2:04      1:28        43      1:21      3:06     11:33      3:58      6:35      4:50   
  8 Layne Comfort                1:11:20 12:55:34    6:31  9   8:53  9  11:29  8  23:20  9  46:17  8  53:22  8  56:14  8  65:04  8  71:20  8 1:11:20    41.96
                                                     6:31  9   2:22  9   2:36  8  11:51  9  22:57  8   7:05  6   2:52  5   8:50  5   6:16  7
                                                     6:07      1:54      2:23     10:05     19:18      4:08      1:24      6:26      3:28   
  9 Rachel Clarke, Eric          1:39:29 13:02:39    1:27  5   3:02  5   4:50  5  13:59  7  48:51  9  70:32  9  80:24  9  92:59  9  99:29  9 1:39:29    58.52
                                                     1:27  5   1:35  7   1:48  7   9:09  8  34:52  9  21:41  9   9:52  9  12:35  8   6:30  8
                                                     1:03      1:07      1:35      7:23     31:13     18:44      8:24     10:11      3:42   
    Joel Caliendo, Caswell           DNF 12:04:50    1:30  6   3:59  6
                                                     1:30  6   2:29 10
                                                     1:06      2:01   

Yellow Course: 11 KP 2.5 km

  # Name                     Result   Start     1.( 72)   2.( 71)   3.( 70)   4.( 69)   5.( 59)   6.( 58)   7.( 57)   8.( 63)   9.( 62)  10.( 61)  11.( 60)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Kei Sanchez               33:06 11:34:49      35  4   1:40  1   4:07  2   6:10  1   8:29  1  15:10  3  16:33  3  17:37  2  24:28  1  26:28  1  29:02  1  33:06  1   33:06    13.24
                                                  35  4   1:05  1   2:27  6   2:03  2   2:19  1   6:41 16   1:23  2   1:04  1   6:51 10   2:00  4   2:34  1   4:04  8
                                                   8         0        45        22         0      5:13        13         0      3:06        14         0      1:32   
  2 Joshua Coleman            35:54 11:44:52      30  3   2:15  2   3:57  1   7:31  2  10:49  2  13:22  2  14:50  2  20:37  3  25:25  2  27:53  2  32:39  2  35:54  2   35:54    14.36
                                                  30  3   1:45  2   1:42  1   3:34  7   3:18  5   2:33  5   1:28  4   5:47 14   4:48  5   2:28  7   4:46  5   3:15  5
                                                   3        40         0      1:53        59      1:05        18      4:43      1:03        42      2:12        43   
  3 Jacob Edwards             43:04 11:16:23      41  5   3:48  5   6:08  3   9:02  3  11:23  3  13:08  1  14:40  1  17:33  1  33:26  4  35:12  4  39:06  3  43:04  3   43:04    17.23
                                                  41  5   3:07  5   2:20  4   2:54  5   2:21  2   1:45  3   1:32  5   2:53  8  15:53 17   1:46  1   3:54  4   3:58  6
                                                  14      2:02        38      1:13         2        17        22      1:49     12:08         0      1:20      1:26   
  4 Jacob Halacheff           46:08 11:41:06      27  1   3:37  4  13:44  8  15:25  8  20:55  8  24:06  8  25:52  6  27:44  5  38:10  6  40:06  6  43:36  4  46:08  4   46:08    18.45
                                                  27  1   3:10  6  10:07 15   1:41  1   5:30 12   3:11  6   1:46  8   1:52  6  10:26 15   1:56  3   3:30  3   2:32  1
                                                   0      2:05      8:25         0      3:11      1:43        36        48      6:41        10        56         0   
  5 Jennifer Owen             49:18 13:16:11   11:28 17  14:00 13  21:04 14  23:51 13  27:03 11  28:44 11  30:10  9  31:52  8  38:54  7  41:12  7  46:42  6  49:18  5   49:18    19.72
                                               11:28 17   2:32  4   7:04 14   2:47  4   3:12  4   1:41  2   1:26  3   1:42  4   7:02 11   2:18  5   5:30  6   2:36  2
                                               11:01      1:27      5:22      1:06        53        13        16        38      3:17        32      2:56         4   
  6 Hayden Winchell           49:44 11:05:13    1:57 12  12:38 11  14:59 10  17:20  9  20:17  7  22:21  6  23:53  5  38:04 10  41:49 10  43:43  8  46:42  6  49:44  6   49:44    19.89
                                                1:57 12  10:41 13   2:21  5   2:21  3   2:57  3   2:04  4   1:32  5  14:11 17   3:45  1   1:54  2   2:59  2   3:02  3
                                                1:30      9:36        39        40        38        36        22     13:07         0         8        25        30   
  7 Joseph Halacheff          50:36 11:14:33      29  2   2:27  3   7:15  5  11:18  5  14:43  5  19:06  5  20:16  4  22:48  4  26:58  3  29:46  3  47:23  8  50:36  7   50:36    20.24
                                                  29  2   1:58  3   4:48 12   4:03  9   3:25  7   4:23 10   1:10  1   2:32  7   4:10  3   2:48 10  17:37 17   3:13  4
                                                   2        53      3:06      2:22      1:06      2:55         0      1:28        25      1:02     15:03        41   
  8 Joel Caliendo, Caswell    51:07 13:18:52    1:03  9   7:15  8  10:16  7  14:27  7  25:07 10  26:35  9  28:15  8  30:04  6  37:36  5  39:55  5  46:10  5  51:07  8   51:07    20.45
                                                1:03  9   6:12  9   3:01  8   4:11 10  10:40 17   1:28  1   1:40  7   1:49  5   7:32 12   2:19  6   6:15  8   4:57 14
                                                  36      5:07      1:19      2:30      8:21         0        30        45      3:47        33      3:41      2:25   
  9 Tatiana Vinnichenko       56:23 13:56:18    1:54 11   6:57  7   9:12  6  13:34  6  18:28  6  23:15  7  26:00  7  31:07  7  39:39  9  45:22  9  51:49  9  56:23  9   56:23    22.55
                                                1:54 11   5:03  8   2:15  3   4:22 13   4:54 10   4:47 14   2:45 13   5:07 13   8:32 13   5:43 15   6:27 12   4:34 11
                                                1:27      3:58        33      2:41      2:35      3:19      1:35      4:03      4:47      3:57      3:53      2:02   
 10 Benjamin Burris           58:40 12:36:44    3:15 13  11:04  9  13:46  9  18:07 10  23:20  9  27:30 10  30:18 10  34:22  9  39:12  8  45:26 10  54:23 10  58:40 10   58:40    23.47
                                                3:15 13   7:49 11   2:42  7   4:21 12   5:13 11   4:10  8   2:48 14   4:04 12   4:50  6   6:14 16   8:57 15   4:17 10
                                                2:48      6:44      1:00      2:40      2:54      2:42      1:38      3:00      1:05      4:28      6:23      1:45   
 11 Williom Tolliver, Emin  1:02:46 12:24:31    1:34 10  12:45 12  19:15 12  23:31 12  29:15 12  33:30 12  35:57 11  43:04 12  49:19 12  52:31 12  58:39 11  62:46 11 1:02:46    25.11
                                                1:34 10  11:11 14   6:30 13   4:16 11   5:44 13   4:15  9   2:27 10   7:07 16   6:15  9   3:12 11   6:08  7   4:07  9
                                                1:07     10:06      4:48      2:35      3:25      2:47      1:17      6:03      2:30      1:26      3:34      1:35   
 12 Miles Eubanks, Polk     1:08:12 12:12:38      59  8  14:19 14  18:12 11  22:52 11  29:28 13  33:55 13  36:18 12  39:47 11  43:43 11  52:15 11  60:31 12  68:12 12 1:08:12    27.28
                                                  59  8  13:20 15   3:53 11   4:40 14   6:36 16   4:27 11   2:23  9   3:29  9   3:56  2   8:32 17   8:16 14   7:41 17
                                                  32     12:15      2:11      2:59      4:17      2:59      1:13      2:25        11      6:46      5:42      5:09   
 13 Gene Ramsey             1:16:41 12:38:42    5:56 15  19:44 16  37:57 17  41:53 17  45:42 17  50:31 17  53:02 15  56:31 14  60:57 14  65:41 14  72:01 13  76:41 13 1:16:41    30.67
                                                5:56 15  13:48 16  18:13 17   3:56  8   3:49  8   4:49 15   2:31 11   3:29  9   4:26  4   4:44 12   6:20 11   4:40 13
                                                5:29     12:43     16:31      2:15      1:30      3:21      1:21      2:25        41      2:58      3:46      2:08   
 14 Susanna Morris          1:18:53 10:16:18    3:49 14  12:01 10  26:42 16  31:54 16  38:22 16  42:53 15  47:08 13  50:58 13  60:21 13  65:19 13  73:22 14  78:53 14 1:18:53    31.55
                                                3:49 14   8:12 12  14:41 16   5:12 15   6:28 15   4:31 12   4:15 15   3:50 11   9:23 14   4:58 13   8:03 13   5:31 16
                                                3:22      7:07     12:59      3:31      4:09      3:03      3:05      2:46      5:38      3:12      5:29      2:59   
 15 Tyler Krutul            1:21:58 11:29:53      50  7  21:33 17  24:48 15  30:28 14  33:51 14  38:26 14  60:41 16  62:16 16  68:20 15  71:06 15  77:24 15  81:58 15 1:21:58    32.79
                                                  50  7  20:43 17   3:15  9   5:40 16   3:23  6   4:35 13  22:15 16   1:35  2   6:04  8   2:46  9   6:18  9   4:34 11
                                                  23     19:38      1:33      3:59      1:04      3:07     21:05        31      2:19      1:00      3:44      2:02   
 16 Katherine Wells         1:23:25 11:27:49      43  6   4:55  6   6:48  4  10:04  4  13:53  4  17:52  4  62:42 17  64:18 17  70:21 17  73:06 16  79:25 16  83:25 16 1:23:25    33.37
                                                  43  6   4:12  7   1:53  2   3:16  6   3:49  8   3:59  7  44:50 17   1:36  3   6:03  7   2:45  8   6:19 10   4:00  7
                                                  16      3:07        11      1:35      1:30      2:31     43:40        32      2:18        59      3:45      1:28   
 17 Pat McQuaid             1:30:29 12:57:00    9:37 16  16:56 15  20:23 13  31:48 15  38:01 15  48:07 16  50:48 14  57:36 15  69:45 16  74:57 17  85:09 17  90:29 17 1:30:29    36.19
                                                9:37 16   7:19 10   3:27 10  11:25 17   6:13 14  10:06 17   2:41 12   6:48 15  12:09 16   5:12 14  10:12 16   5:20 15
                                                9:10      6:14      1:45      9:44      3:54      8:38      1:31      5:44      8:24      3:26      7:38      2:48   
    Zander Pool                 DNF 11:12:37 

Orange Course: 10 KP 4.0 km

  # Name                                    Result   Start     1.( 52)   2.( 41)   3.( 67)   4.( 53)   5.( 54)   6.( 55)   7.( 49)   8.( 50)   9.( 48)  10.( 56)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Joseph Roy                               43:07 11:26:53    1:03  3   3:43  1   8:55  1  10:34  1  14:47  1  18:11  1  22:31  1  27:07  1  30:03  1  41:28  1  43:07  1   43:07    10.78
                                                               1:03  3   2:40  2   5:12  5   1:39  1   4:13  1   3:24  1   4:20  1   4:36  1   2:56  8  11:25  4   1:39  1
                                                                  1        28      1:50         0         0         0         0         0      1:10      2:26         0   
  2 Atlee Pool                             1:02:44 11:17:10    3:05 10   8:56  9  13:35  7  19:38  5  25:58  2  32:14  3  41:51  3  48:21  2  51:04  2  60:48  2  62:44  2 1:02:44    15.68
                                                               3:05 10   5:51 15   4:39  3   6:03  6   6:20  2   6:16  9   9:37  5   6:30  5   2:43  6   9:44  3   1:56  6
                                                               2:03      3:39      1:17      4:24      2:07      2:52      5:17      1:54        57        45        17   
  3 Ryan Kiluk                             1:16:22 11:03:54    1:02  1  18:14 16  29:38 15  32:47 12  39:19 10  45:17  7  55:01  5  61:51  3  64:31  3  74:07  3  76:22  3 1:16:22    19.09
                                                               1:02  1  17:12 22  11:24 14   3:09  3   6:32  3   5:58  8   9:44  6   6:50  6   2:40  5   9:36  2   2:15  8
                                                                  0     15:00      8:02      1:30      2:19      2:34      5:24      2:14        54        37        36   
  4 Kevin McCabe                           1:23:52 13:37:31    6:13 15   8:56  9  12:18  6  25:48  8  54:34 16  59:59 12  64:57  7  70:17  6  73:00  6  81:59  4  83:52  4 1:23:52    20.97
                                                               6:13 15   2:43  3   3:22  1  13:30 18  28:46 21   5:25  6   4:58  2   5:20  2   2:43  6   8:59  1   1:53  3
                                                               5:11        31         0     11:51     24:33      2:01        38        44        57         0        14   
  5 Conrad, Scarlett                       1:30:02 12:38:22    1:26  4   4:45  2  10:14  2  15:47  2  26:10  3  29:49  2  41:02  2  66:49  4  68:35  4  88:13  5  90:02  5 1:30:02    22.51
                                                               1:26  4   3:19  5   5:29  6   5:33  5  10:23  7   3:39  3  11:13  8  25:47 16   1:46  1  19:38 13   1:49  2
                                                                 24      1:07      2:07      3:54      6:10        15      6:53     21:11         0     10:39        10   
  6 Ballou, Renken                         1:32:26 12:36:19    2:35  7   6:37  7  12:15  5  17:20  3  28:32  4  32:32  4  43:41  4  69:17  5  71:03  5  90:02  6  92:26  6 1:32:26    23.11
                                                               2:35  7   4:02  8   5:38  7   5:05  4  11:12  9   4:00  4  11:09  7  25:36 15   1:46  1  18:59 12   2:24 11
                                                               1:33      1:50      2:16      3:26      6:59        36      6:49     21:00         0     10:00        45   
  7 Sheets, King                           1:36:21 12:32:17    2:50  9  10:03 11  15:46  9  18:32  4  32:29  5  36:05  5  65:04  8  71:28  7  73:56  7  93:53  8  96:21  7 1:36:21    24.09
                                                               2:50  9   7:13 18   5:43  8   2:46  2  13:57 15   3:36  2  28:59 17   6:24  4   2:28  4  19:57 14   2:28 12
                                                               1:48      5:01      2:21      1:07      9:44        12     24:39      1:48        42     10:58        49   
  8 Johnathan Solorzano                    1:36:33 11:41:57    2:02  5   6:33  6  11:15  4  26:45  9  38:45  9  55:16 10  63:19  6  73:15  8  78:24 10  93:42  7  96:33  8 1:36:33    24.14
                                                               2:02  5   4:31 11   4:42  4  15:30 20  12:00 11  16:31 16   8:03  4   9:56 10   5:09 11  15:18  6   2:51 14
                                                               1:00      2:19      1:20     13:51      7:47     13:07      3:43      5:20      3:23      6:19      1:12   
  9 Potts, Simon Boone                     1:38:37 12:30:22   11:19 19  15:59 13  24:15 12  33:21 13  43:43 12  51:37  9  66:57 10  73:48  9  76:13  8  96:18  9  98:37  9 1:38:37    24.65
                                                              11:19 19   4:40 12   8:16 11   9:06 13  10:22  6   7:54 10  15:20 11   6:51  7   2:25  3  20:05 16   2:19  9
                                                              10:17      2:28      4:54      7:27      6:09      4:30     11:00      2:15        39     11:06        40   
 10 West, West                             1:40:04 12:28:27    3:12 11   7:08  8  15:14  8  21:58  6  35:49  6  40:02  6  69:01 11  74:48 10  77:48  9  97:45 10 100:04 10 1:40:04    25.02
                                                               3:12 11   3:56  7   8:06 10   6:44 10  13:51 14   4:13  5  28:59 17   5:47  3   3:00  9  19:57 14   2:19  9
                                                               2:10      1:44      4:44      5:05      9:38        49     24:39      1:11      1:14     10:58        40   
 11 Joshua Sellars                         1:44:25 11:34:03    2:46  8   5:39  4  23:59 11  30:10 11  37:18  8  63:11 13  71:11 12  81:01 11  86:12 11 101:31 11 104:25 11 1:44:25    26.10
                                                               2:46  8   2:53  4  18:20 21   6:11  7   7:08  4  25:53 19   8:00  3   9:50  9   5:11 12  15:19  7   2:54 15
                                                               1:44        41     14:58      4:32      2:55     22:29      3:40      5:14      3:25      6:20      1:15   
 12 Dominic Troche                         1:50:52 11:29:04    1:02  1   4:47  3  29:14 14  40:49 16  51:32 14  64:40 14  81:44 15  91:25 13  95:16 13 108:49 12 110:52 12 1:50:52    27.72
                                                               1:02  1   3:45  6  24:27 22  11:35 15  10:43  8  13:08 14  17:04 13   9:41  8   3:51 10  13:33  5   2:03  7
                                                                  0      1:33     21:05      9:56      6:30      9:44     12:44      5:05      2:05      4:34        24   
 13 Sergei Vinnichenko                     1:53:43 13:07:38   11:15 18  16:21 14  27:53 13  35:16 14  47:58 13  56:15 11  77:33 13  88:08 12  93:43 12 111:08 13 113:43 13 1:53:43    28.43
                                                              11:15 18   5:06 13  11:32 15   7:23 11  12:42 12   8:17 12  21:18 16  10:35 11   5:35 13  17:25 11   2:35 13
                                                              10:13      2:54      8:10      5:44      8:29      4:53     16:58      5:59      3:49      8:26        56   
 14 Kevin Morris                           2:16:02 10:28:28    7:33 16  24:35 19  37:32 18  49:11 17  63:26 17  71:36 16  89:54 16 106:06 15 114:56 14 131:11 14 136:02 14 2:16:02    34.01
                                                               7:33 16  17:02 21  12:57 16  11:39 16  14:15 16   8:10 11  18:18 14  16:12 12   8:50 14  16:15  8   4:51 16
                                                               6:31     14:50      9:35     10:00     10:02      4:46     13:58     11:36      7:04      7:16      3:12   
 15 Tyberius Tooley                        2:16:57 11:30:33    2:04  6  24:09 18  30:20 16  36:39 15  51:44 15  68:18 15  80:17 14  98:05 14 118:11 15 135:04 15 136:57 15 2:16:57    34.24
                                                               2:04  6  22:05 23   6:11  9   6:19  8  15:05 17  16:34 17  11:59 10  17:48 13  20:06 15  16:53 10   1:53  3
                                                               1:02     19:53      2:49      4:40     10:52     13:10      7:39     13:12     18:20      7:54        14   
 16 Gage Styron                            2:33:03 11:14:25    8:04 17  21:09 17  39:18 19  54:31 18  67:51 18  84:29 17  96:20 17 114:22 16 134:42 16 151:09 16 153:03 16 2:33:03    38.26
                                                               8:04 17  13:05 19  18:09 20  15:13 19  13:20 13  16:38 18  11:51  9  18:02 14  20:20 16  16:27  9   1:54  5
                                                               7:02     10:53     14:47     13:34      9:07     13:14      7:31     13:26     18:34      7:28        15   
    John Tomczyk, Maggie                       DNF 12:40:31   31:30 24  45:30 22  59:59 21  68:56 19  80:22 19  91:54 18 108:09 18
                                                              31:30 24  14:00 20  14:29 18   8:57 12  11:26 10  11:32 13  16:15 12
                                                              30:28     11:48     11:07      7:18      7:13      8:08     11:55   
    Miles Eubanks                              DNF 13:40:29    4:04 13   6:16  5  10:21  3  22:42  7  40:08 11  45:47  8  65:33  9
                                                               4:04 13   2:12  1   4:05  2  12:21 17  17:26 19   5:39  7  19:46 15
                                                               3:02         0        43     10:42     13:13      2:15     15:26   
    Robert Agans, Simrin, Nilhhil              DNF 12:43:04   54:28 25  58:39 23  71:52 22  81:44 21  98:56 21 113:30 19
                                                              54:28 25   4:11  9  13:13 17   9:52 14  17:12 18  14:34 15
                                                              53:26      1:59      9:51      8:13     12:59     11:10   
    White, Roberts                             DNF 12:34:16    4:31 14  10:50 12  20:46 10  27:20 10  36:42  7
                                                               4:31 14   6:19 17   9:56 13   6:34  9   9:22  5
                                                               3:29      4:07      6:34      4:55      5:09   
    Burns, Nifong                              DNF 12:26:28   27:16 22  32:32 20  41:24 20  72:54 20  94:05 20
                                                              27:16 22   5:16 14   8:52 12  31:30 21  21:11 20
                                                              26:14      3:04      5:30     29:51     16:58   
    Mick Tellefsen, Glen, Courtney, Chloe      DNF 13:42:16   12:58 20  17:10 15  35:08 17
                                                              12:58 20   4:12 10  17:58 19
                                                              11:56      2:00     14:36   
    Gene Ramsey                                DNF 14:00:30   30:16 23  36:22 21
                                                              30:16 23   6:06 16
                                                              29:14      3:54   
    Chip Clifton                               DNF 12:22:23    3:33 12
                                                               3:33 12
    Emin Cox, William                          DNF 13:46:22   21:15 21
                                                              21:15 21
    Benjamin Burris, Sinclair                  DNF 13:52:24   60:39 26
                                                              60:39 26

Brown Course: 10 KP 4.0 km

  # Name                                    Result   Start     1.( 41)   2.( 53)   3.( 54)   4.( 64)   5.( 55)   6.( 65)   7.( 49)   8.( 48)   9.( 50)  10.( 51)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Debra Rezeli                           1:13:15 11:49:16    4:44  1  14:37  1  22:01  1  36:48  3  40:40  3  49:15  2  52:44  2  58:18  2  62:47  2  70:20  1  73:15  1 1:13:15    18.31
                                                               4:44  1   9:53  1   7:24  1  14:47  8   3:52  1   8:35  2   3:29  3   5:34  2   4:29  2   7:33  3   2:55  3
                                                                  0         0         0      9:32         0        59        58        48        53      1:36        22   
  2 Ian Shields                            1:17:13 12:47:06    5:28  4  17:37  3  27:19  3  34:12  2  38:10  2  47:14  1  51:01  1  56:43  1  62:24  1  72:50  2  77:13  2 1:17:13    19.30
                                                               5:28  4  12:09  4   9:42  4   6:53  5   3:58  2   9:04  3   3:47  5   5:42  3   5:41  3  10:26  7   4:23  5
                                                                 44      2:16      2:18      1:38         6      1:28      1:16        56      2:05      4:29      1:50   
  3 Mike Wood                              1:18:48 11:39:45    8:58  6  27:07  6  41:50  7  47:15  7  51:17  5  58:53  4  61:56  4  66:42  4  70:18  4  76:15  3  78:48  3 1:18:48    19.70
                                                               8:58  6  18:09  6  14:43  8   5:25  2   4:02  3   7:36  1   3:03  2   4:46  1   3:36  1   5:57  1   2:33  1
                                                               4:14      8:16      7:19        10        10         0        32         0         0         0         0   
  4 Tatyana Stemkovski                     1:24:56 12:44:56    9:19  7  21:19  4  31:05  4  37:15  4  42:05  4  51:52  3  56:24  3  64:20  3  70:07  3  80:27  4  84:56  4 1:24:56    21.23
                                                               9:19  7  12:00  3   9:46  5   6:10  4   4:50  5   9:47  4   4:32  6   7:56  5   5:47  4  10:20  6   4:29  6
                                                               4:35      2:07      2:22        55        58      2:11      2:01      3:10      2:11      4:23      1:56   
  5 Ruth Bromer                            1:35:53 13:06:41    5:12  2  32:53  7  40:55  6  46:10  5  54:36  7  68:58  6  72:34  6  78:36  5  84:36  5  92:34  5  95:53  5 1:35:53    23.97
                                                               5:12  2  27:41  7   8:02  3   5:15  1   8:26  8  14:22  6   3:36  4   6:02  4   6:00  6   7:58  4   3:19  4
                                                                 28     17:48        38         0      4:34      6:46      1:05      1:16      2:24      2:01        46   
  6 Ron Brown                              1:43:48 11:17:47    7:16  5  24:44  5  36:50  5  46:54  6  54:03  6  66:59  5  71:57  5  82:25  6  88:56  6  99:06  6 103:48  6 1:43:48    25.95
                                                               7:16  5  17:28  5  12:06  6  10:04  7   7:09  6  12:56  5   4:58  7  10:28  7   6:31  7  10:10  5   4:42  7
                                                               2:32      7:35      4:42      4:49      3:17      5:20      2:27      5:42      2:55      4:13      2:09   
  7 Ashley Scholer                         1:50:05 11:08:31    5:15  3  15:16  2  23:06  2  29:14  1  36:41  1  83:05  7  85:36  7  94:53  7 100:42  7 107:12  7 110:05  7 1:50:05    27.52
                                                               5:15  3  10:01  2   7:50  2   6:08  3   7:27  7  46:24  7   2:31  1   9:17  6   5:49  5   6:30  2   2:53  2
                                                                 31         8        26        53      3:35     38:48         0      4:31      2:13        33        20   
    Aaron Oxendine, Alex, Kristen, Tayler      DNF 12:48:29   15:28  8  53:26  8  68:03  8  75:15  8  79:58  8
                                                              15:28  8  37:58  8  14:37  7   7:12  6   4:43  4
                                                              10:44     28:05      7:13      1:57        51   

Green Course: 10 KP 5.7 km

  # Name              Result   Start     1.( 41)   2.( 53)   3.( 54)   4.( 46)   5.( 47)   6.( 65)   7.( 48)   8.( 49)   9.( 50)  10.( 51)   Finish.           min/km
  1 David Waller     1:22:43 11:32:49    2:47  1  15:59  4  21:09  3  30:21  3  38:54  3  54:04  1  60:35  1  66:57  1  72:42  1  78:54  1  82:43  1 1:22:43    14.51
                                         2:47  1  13:12  6   5:10  1   9:12  3   8:33  1  15:10  1   6:31  1   6:22  6   5:45  1   6:12  1   3:49  7
                                            0      5:52         0        45         0         0         0      1:08         0         0      1:12   
  2 Josef Trzicky    1:26:06 12:30:14    3:24  2  11:49  2  18:31  2  28:36  2  37:33  2  55:21  2  63:25  2  68:39  2  75:07  2  82:51  2  86:06  2 1:26:06    15.11
                                         3:24  2   8:25  2   6:42  4  10:05  5   8:57  2  17:48  4   8:04  4   5:14  1   6:28  3   7:44  6   3:15  4
                                           37      1:05      1:32      1:38        24      2:38      1:33         0        43      1:32        38   
  3 Joseph Huberman  1:28:43 13:13:10    4:00  3  11:20  1  17:29  1  27:23  1  36:38  1  55:54  3  64:40  3  70:19  3  77:21  3  85:55  3  88:43  3 1:28:43    15.56
                                         4:00  3   7:20  1   6:09  2   9:54  4   9:15  3  19:16  6   8:46  6   5:39  3   7:02  4   8:34  7   2:48  2
                                         1:13         0        59      1:27        42      4:06      2:15        25      1:17      2:22        11   
  4 Doug Corkhill    1:35:42 12:13:00    4:51  4  13:43  3  25:20  4  38:33  5  49:03  4  64:25  4  72:38  4  78:17  4  85:34  4  92:19  4  95:42  4 1:35:42    16.79
                                         4:51  4   8:52  3  11:37  8  13:13  6  10:30  4  15:22  2   8:13  5   5:39  3   7:17  5   6:45  4   3:23  5
                                         2:04      1:32      6:27      4:46      1:57        12      1:42        25      1:32        33        46   
  5 Nadia Scharlau   1:47:02 11:43:10    5:07  5  21:13  6  28:43  5  37:20  4  57:29  5  75:22  5  82:30  5  88:27  5  96:17  5 103:48  5 107:02  5 1:47:02    18.78
                                         5:07  5  16:06  7   7:30  5   8:37  2  20:09  5  17:53  5   7:08  2   5:57  5   7:50  6   7:31  5   3:14  3
                                         2:20      8:46      2:20        10     11:36      2:43        37        43      2:05      1:19        37   
  6 Carl Briscoe     1:51:20 11:37:58    5:32  6  26:36  7  33:14  7  41:41  6  62:29  6  80:03  6  88:01  6  96:05  6 102:20  6 108:43  6 111:20  6 1:51:20    19.53
                                         5:32  6  21:04  8   6:38  3   8:27  1  20:48  6  17:34  3   7:58  3   8:04  7   6:15  2   6:23  2   2:37  1
                                         2:45     13:44      1:28         0     12:15      2:24      1:27      2:50        30        11         0   
  7 Harold Meder     2:32:31 12:11:18   19:26  8  30:51  8  39:21  8  63:03  8  86:46  7 108:30  7 127:28  7 133:06  7 142:28  7 148:51  7 152:31  7 2:32:31    26.76
                                        19:26  8  11:25  5   8:30  7  23:42  8  23:43  7  21:44  7  18:58  7   5:38  2   9:22  7   6:23  2   3:40  6
                                        16:39      4:05      3:20     15:15     15:10      6:34     12:27        24      3:37        11      1:03   
    Kennedy Paylor       DNF 11:02:40   10:32  7  20:56  5  29:16  6  44:42  7
                                        10:32  7  10:24  4   8:20  6  15:26  7
                                         7:45      3:04      3:10      6:59   

Red Course: 13 KP 6.9 km

  # Name                  Result   Start     1.( 41)   2.( 42)   3.( 43)   4.( 44)   5.( 73)   6.( 45)   7.( 46)   8.( 47)   9.( 65)  10.( 48)  11.( 49)  12.( 50)  13.( 51)   Finish.           min/km
  1 Vladimir Stemkovski  1:09:09 12:46:52    2:12  2   9:39  2  14:20  2  19:20  2  22:58  2  28:05  2  31:17  2  37:38  1  48:07  1  53:31  1  57:29  1  62:07  1  66:49  1  69:09  1 1:09:09    10.02
                                             2:12  2   7:27  2   4:41  1   5:00  2   3:38  2   5:07  1   3:12  1   6:21  1  10:29  2   5:24  2   3:58  2   4:38  2   4:42  3   2:20  3
                                               29         7         0        16         6         0         0         0      1:23         2        42        16        13        18   
  2 Mihai Ibanescu       1:24:03 12:45:09    2:48  5  10:56  4  16:42  4  23:18  5  28:30  4  35:06  4  39:07  4  47:54  3  59:30  2  65:15  2  70:13  2  75:59  2  81:30  2  84:03  2 1:24:03    12.18
                                             2:48  5   8:08  3   5:46  5   6:36  5   5:12  5   6:36  5   4:01  7   8:47  4  11:36  3   5:45  3   4:58  6   5:46  5   5:31  7   2:33  6
                                             1:05        48      1:05      1:52      1:40      1:29        49      2:26      2:30        23      1:42      1:24      1:02        31   
  3 Brian Thompson       1:24:40 10:20:05    2:16  3  10:25  3  15:54  3  21:17  3  26:16  3  32:31  3  36:22  3  47:41  2  60:30  3  66:20  3  70:46  3  77:05  3  82:02  3  84:40  3 1:24:40    12.27
                                             2:16  3   8:09  4   5:29  4   5:23  3   4:59  4   6:15  4   3:51  6  11:19  5  12:49  6   5:50  4   4:26  4   6:19  7   4:57  4   2:38  7
                                               33        49        48        39      1:27      1:08        39      4:58      3:43        28      1:10      1:57        28        36   
  4 Kevin Wilkinson      1:28:38 10:27:11    1:43  1   9:03  1  13:57  1  18:41  1  22:13  1  27:32  1  31:02  1  58:32  5  67:38  5  73:31  5  77:34  5  81:56  4  86:36  5  88:38  4 1:28:38    12.85
                                             1:43  1   7:20  1   4:54  2   4:44  1   3:32  1   5:19  2   3:30  2  27:30 11   9:06  1   5:53  5   4:03  3   4:22  1   4:40  2   2:02  1
                                                0         0        13         0         0        12        18     21:09         0        31        47         0        11         0   
  5 Robert Enochs        1:28:48 12:37:47    2:37  4  11:28  5  16:47  5  22:19  4  32:07  5  40:04  5  43:49  5  51:28  4  63:52  4  69:14  4  72:30  4  82:02  5  86:31  4  88:48  5 1:28:48    12.87
                                             2:37  4   8:51  5   5:19  3   5:32  4   9:48 12   7:57  8   3:45  5   7:39  2  12:24  5   5:22  1   3:16  1   9:32 10   4:29  1   2:17  2
                                               54      1:31        38        48      6:16      2:50        33      1:18      3:18         0         0      5:10         0        15   
  6 Ed                   2:02:23 11:37:48    4:35  7  45:41 12  55:56 12  63:19 12  67:51 12  74:01 12  77:33 11  85:57 11  98:14  8 105:12  8 109:53  6 114:35  6 120:01  6 122:23  6 2:02:23    17.74
                                             4:35  7  41:06 12  10:15 10   7:23  6   4:32  3   6:10  3   3:32  3   8:24  3  12:17  4   6:58  7   4:41  5   4:42  3   5:26  6   2:22  5
                                             2:52     33:46      5:34      2:39      1:00      1:03        20      2:03      3:11      1:36      1:25        20        57        20   
  7 Imre Polik           2:06:43 10:35:32    2:54  6  13:16  6  19:18  6  35:00  8  44:37  9  51:23  8  55:06  6  67:38  6  85:01  6  91:06  6 114:14  8 119:26  8 124:23  7 126:43  7 2:06:43    18.36
                                             2:54  6  10:22  6   6:02  7  15:42 12   9:37 11   6:46  6   3:43  4  12:32  6  17:23  8   6:05  6  23:08 10   5:12  4   4:57  4   2:20  3
                                             1:11      3:02      1:21     10:58      6:05      1:39        31      6:11      8:17        43     19:52        50        28        18   
  8 David Valenziano     2:10:06 09:56:52    5:28 12  20:26 10  31:07 10  41:48 10  50:00 10  58:26 10  63:12  9  75:45  8  95:58  7 105:06  7 110:59  7 118:26  7 126:28  8 130:06  8 2:10:06    18.86
                                             5:28 12  14:58 10  10:41 11  10:41 11   8:12 10   8:26  9   4:46  8  12:33  7  20:13  9   9:08  9   5:53  7   7:27  9   8:02  9   3:38  9
                                             3:45      7:38      6:00      5:57      4:40      3:19      1:34      6:12     11:07      3:46      2:37      3:05      3:33      1:36   
  9 Tim Devine           2:21:13 10:40:14    5:13 11  26:55 11  39:15 11  48:20 11  55:13 11  63:53 11  69:40 10  83:27  9 109:56 11 118:18 10 125:13 10 132:04 10 138:15  9 141:13  9 2:21:13    20.47
                                             5:13 11  21:42 11  12:20 12   9:05  9   6:53  7   8:40 11   5:47 10  13:47  8  26:29 10   8:22  8   6:55  8   6:51  8   6:11  8   2:58  8
                                             3:30     14:22      7:39      4:21      3:21      3:33      2:35      7:26     17:23      3:00      3:39      2:29      1:42        56   
 10 Joseph Marincel      2:22:17 09:46:51    4:37  8  18:12  8  26:05  8  35:29  9  42:27  7  52:41  9  58:20  7  73:43  7 100:17 10 113:15  9 121:30  9 127:37  9 138:34 10 142:17 10 2:22:17    20.62
                                             4:37  8  13:35  8   7:53  8   9:24 10   6:58  8  10:14 12   5:39  9  15:23  9  26:34 11  12:58 10   8:15  9   6:07  6  10:57 10   3:43 10
                                             2:54      6:15      3:12      4:40      3:26      5:07      2:27      9:02     17:28      7:36      4:59      1:45      6:28      1:41   
    Holly Spain              DNF 12:50:21    4:37  8  18:00  7  26:13  9  34:52  7  42:45  8  51:12  7  58:44  8  83:34 10  99:53  9
                                             4:37  8  13:23  7   8:13  9   8:39  7   7:53  9   8:27 10   7:32 11  24:50 10  16:19  7
                                             2:54      6:03      3:32      3:55      4:21      3:20      4:20     18:29      7:13   
    David Butler             DNF 12:44:37    4:46 10  19:34  9  25:35  7  34:37  6  40:46  6  47:40  6
                                             4:46 10  14:48  9   6:01  6   9:02  8   6:09  6   6:54  7
                                             3:03      7:28      1:20      4:18      2:37      1:47   
    David Farrier            DNF 12:16:03   10:08 13
                                            10:08 13