While most folks around the Triangle were celebrating Father’s day, a group of advanced orienteers came to Umstead instead to honor the much lesser-known holiday “rootstock appreciation day”. With only three exceptions, every control on each course was at a rootstock – some were large, new, obvious, and magnificent; others were old, decaying, small, and nondescript. As a course designer and setter, using rootstocks as control locations has real advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, rootstocks allow excellent control over the visibility of the flag from incoming runners. Although it’s generally bad form to “hide” controls from incoming runners (because it can reward luck instead of navigation ability), in my opinion it is typically fine to allow the feature itself to conceal a control. Rootstocks are especially good features for this kind of fair concealment. Of course, there are also real disadvantages to relying on rootstocks as control features, and they can be especially frustrating to competitors. As a point feature, a rootstock, especially in the middle of an otherwise featureless expanse, runs a real risk of being a “bingo” control – one that rewards luck instead of navigation. I tried to strike a balance between making these controls technically challenging for advanced runners, but fair – perhaps a bit closer than normal to an attack point or catching feature. Hopefully, too, the abundance of rootstocks on the course gave runners some practice using column F of the control descriptions – the column that specifies the height of the feature.
Given my opinions about ‘hiding’ controls, it was perhaps ironic that the second control type for the other three controls was a ‘hide.’ These controls enable the course designer to place a control anywhere that makes sense navigationally; and they allow the course setter to regulate the visibility of the control from the expected direction of approach. In Umstead, where a properly hung control in a ditch or a reentrant can often be seen from 100 meters away, these ‘hides’ could offer us some good new possibilities for interesting controls sites.
Very few finished without reporting having made at least one big mistake; and two of these mistakes were unfortunately partially due to some of my recent map updates. The large rootstock at #55 was probably mapped 20 meters too far south, and the hide at #56 was probably mapped 15 meters too far north. Sorry if that caused others besides Josef and Ian some moments of confusion.
Many thanks to Roman Kraus for bringing in 10 of the 14 controls (while he was on his course). Per BOK tradition, Roman earned a 10 minute bonus on his overall time for this effort. Tatyana and Vladimir Stemkovski collected the rest of the controls; and Ian Shields helped with the clean-up, ensuring that we were out of the park by 3:30.
Contact me at dw.orienteer@gmail.com with comments, questions, or concerns.
15 June 2014, Umstead West
Brown Course: 8 KP 3.7 km
1 Ken Walsh 1:15:19 48 53 51 54 50 49 43 44 2 William Mason 1:15:56 48 53 51 54 50 49 43 44 3 Kevin Collier & Son 1:25:18 48 53 51 54 50 49 43 44 4 Tatyana Stemkovski 1:51:47 48 53 51 54 50 49 43 44
Green Course: 10 KP 5.2 km
1 Joseph Huberman 1:35:38 48 49 50 55 56 57 46 42 43 44 2 Ian Shields 1:54:21 48 49 50 55 56 57 46 50 42 43 44
Red Course: 13 KP 7.6 km
1 Brian Thompson 1:12:32 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 43 44 2 Robert Enochs 1:15:28 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 43 44 3 Vladimir Stemkovski 1:19:01 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 43 44 4 Josef Trzicky 1:52:58 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 43 44 5 Kevin Wilkinson 2:02:11 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 43 44 6 Roman Kraus* 2:11:02 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 43 44 7 Ken. Hanson 2:49:38 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 43 44 8 Patrick Sears 2:54:24 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 43 44 9 Terese Camp 3:17:11 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 43 44 Harold Meder DNF 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 42
Total of 16 starts.
Brown Course: 8 KP 3.7 km
# Name Result Start 1.( 48) 2.( 53) 3.( 51) 4.( 54) 5.( 50) 6.( 49) 7.( 43) 8.( 44) Finish. min/km 1 Ken Walsh 1:15:19 11:55:16 10:02 3 13:31 2 26:25 3 30:30 1 56:22 3 60:46 3 70:06 2 74:22 2 75:19 1 1:15:19 20.36 10:02 3 3:29 1 12:54 4 4:05 2 25:52 3 4:24 1 9:20 1 4:16 1 57 1 2:36 0 8:41 1 10:11 0 0 0 0 2 William Mason 1:15:56 11:41:45 20:45 4 28:36 4 32:49 4 36:53 4 52:34 2 59:06 2 69:26 1 73:55 1 75:56 2 1:15:56 20.52 20:45 4 7:51 4 4:13 1 4:04 1 15:41 1 6:32 2 10:20 2 4:29 2 2:01 2 13:19 4:22 0 0 0 2:08 1:00 13 1:04 3 Kevin Collier & Son 1:25:18 11:11:50 7:26 1 11:59 1 20:02 1 31:22 2 50:57 1 58:59 1 74:54 3 82:49 3 85:18 3 1:25:18 23.05 7:26 1 4:33 2 8:03 3 11:20 4 19:35 2 8:02 4 15:55 4 7:55 4 2:29 3 0 1:04 3:50 7:16 3:54 3:38 6:35 3:39 1:32 4 Tatyana Stemkovski 1:51:47 11:39:52 9:54 2 16:50 3 23:11 2 32:56 3 82:48 4 90:38 4 104:10 4 109:11 4 111:47 4 1:51:47 30.21 9:54 2 6:56 3 6:21 2 9:45 3 49:52 4 7:50 3 13:32 3 5:01 3 2:36 4 2:28 3:27 2:08 5:41 34:11 3:26 4:12 45 1:39
Green Course: 10 KP 5.2 km
# Name Result Start 1.( 48) 2.( 49) 3.( 50) 4.( 55) 5.( 56) 6.( 57) 7.( 46) 8.( 42) 9.( 43) 10.( 44) Finish. min/km 1 Joseph Huberman 1:35:38 11:53:14 5:18 1 11:49 1 19:15 1 25:59 1 35:15 1 42:04 1 53:25 1 73:01 1 90:32 1 94:18 1 95:38 1 1:35:38 18.39 5:18 1 6:31 1 7:26 2 6:44 1 9:16 2 6:49 1 11:21 1 19:36 2 17:31 1 3:46 1 1:20 1 0 0 19 0 1:55 0 0 5:42 0 0 0 2 Ian Shields 1:54:21 12:00:00 6:38 2 17:34 2 24:41 2 33:02 2 40:23 2 47:27 2 63:14 2 77:08 2 107:16 2 112:06 2 114:21 2 1:54:21 21.99 6:38 2 10:56 2 7:07 1 8:21 2 7:21 1 7:04 2 15:47 2 13:54 1 30:08 2 4:50 2 2:15 2 1:20 4:25 0 1:37 0 15 4:26 0 12:37 1:04 55
Red Course: 13 KP 7.6 km
# Name Result Start 1.( 48) 2.( 49) 3.( 50) 4.( 51) 5.( 52) 6.( 53) 7.( 54) 8.( 55) 9.( 56) 10.( 57) 11.( 42) 12.( 43) 13.( 44) Finish. min/km 1 Brian Thompson 1:12:32 11:24:41 3:14 1 8:10 1 11:39 1 23:54 2 25:23 2 28:12 1 31:14 1 40:59 2 44:30 1 47:37 2 57:28 2 68:28 1 71:09 1 72:32 1 1:12:32 9.54 3:14 1 4:56 3 3:29 3 12:15 2 1:29 1 2:49 2 3:02 3 9:45 4 3:31 2 3:07 2 9:51 2 11:00 2 2:41 2 1:23 5 0 41 16 3:32 0 38 6 2:04 14 19 2:46 17 18 23 2 Robert Enochs 1:15:28 11:21:11 3:40 2 9:32 3 13:37 3 27:30 4 28:59 4 31:48 4 34:47 4 44:13 4 47:56 4 51:05 4 61:04 3 71:47 2 74:28 2 75:28 2 1:15:28 9.93 3:40 2 5:52 5 4:05 4 13:53 4 1:29 1 2:49 2 2:59 2 9:26 3 3:43 3 3:09 3 9:59 3 10:43 1 2:41 2 1:00 1 26 1:37 52 5:10 0 38 3 1:45 26 21 2:54 0 18 0 3 Vladimir Stemkovski 1:19:01 11:45:45 5:47 5 10:41 5 13:54 4 22:37 1 24:07 1 29:38 3 32:34 2 41:47 3 45:04 3 48:23 3 64:10 4 75:29 3 77:52 3 79:01 3 1:19:01 10.40 5:47 5 4:54 2 3:13 1 8:43 1 1:30 3 5:31 9 2:56 1 9:13 2 3:17 1 3:19 4 15:47 6 11:19 3 2:23 1 1:09 3 2:33 39 0 0 1 3:20 0 1:32 0 31 8:42 36 0 9 4 Josef Trzicky 1:52:58 12:34:04 4:29 4 10:40 4 16:15 5 31:10 5 34:24 5 38:12 5 43:29 5 64:13 5 70:16 5 75:28 5 90:35 5 106:42 4 110:50 4 112:58 4 1:52:58 14.86 4:29 4 6:11 6 5:35 7 14:55 5 3:14 8 3:48 5 5:17 6 20:44 9 6:03 8 5:12 5 15:07 5 16:07 4 4:08 5 2:08 7 1:15 1:56 2:22 6:12 1:45 1:37 2:21 13:03 2:46 2:24 8:02 5:24 1:45 1:08 5 Kevin Wilkinson 2:02:11 11:17:21 4:10 3 8:25 2 11:40 2 25:01 3 27:22 3 29:33 2 32:59 3 40:40 1 44:36 2 47:24 1 54:29 1 116:32 5 121:06 5 122:11 5 2:02:11 16.08 4:10 3 4:15 1 3:15 2 13:21 3 2:21 5 2:11 1 3:26 4 7:41 1 3:56 4 2:48 1 7:05 1 62:03 9 4:34 6 1:05 2 56 0 2 4:38 52 0 30 0 39 0 0 51:20 2:11 5 6 Roman Kraus* 2:11:02 13:03:04 7:07 7 13:35 6 18:37 6 63:23 9 65:46 9 68:55 9 74:05 8 91:05 7 96:31 7 106:29 8 119:56 6 136:31 6 139:42 6 141:02 6 2:21:02 18.56 7:07 7 6:28 7 5:02 6 44:46 9 2:23 6 3:09 4 5:10 5 17:00 5 5:26 6 9:58 10 13:27 4 16:35 5 3:11 4 1:20 4 3:53 2:13 1:49 36:03 54 58 2:14 9:19 2:09 7:10 6:22 5:52 48 20 7 Ken. Hanson 2:49:38 11:50:39 6:42 6 15:54 9 29:22 9 54:43 7 61:39 7 66:06 7 72:36 7 92:41 8 99:15 8 106:10 7 133:38 7 160:31 7 165:55 7 169:38 7 2:49:38 22.32 6:42 6 9:12 9 13:28 9 25:21 8 6:56 10 4:27 7 6:30 7 20:05 7 6:34 10 6:55 8 27:28 9 26:53 7 5:24 8 3:43 9 3:28 4:57 10:15 16:38 5:27 2:16 3:34 12:24 3:17 4:07 20:23 16:10 3:01 2:43 8 Patrick Sears 2:54:24 11:08:44 9:42 10 15:17 7 20:11 7 83:23 10 85:05 10 91:16 10 98:51 10 116:34 10 122:25 10 129:15 10 147:47 10 167:40 8 172:37 8 174:24 8 2:54:24 22.95 9:42 10 5:35 4 4:54 5 63:12 10 1:42 4 6:11 10 7:35 9 17:43 6 5:51 7 6:50 7 18:32 7 19:53 6 4:57 7 1:47 6 6:28 1:20 1:41 54:29 13 4:00 4:39 10:02 2:34 4:02 11:27 9:10 2:34 47 9 Terese Camp 3:17:11 11:48:52 8:15 8 17:48 10 31:42 10 57:02 8 63:43 8 67:58 8 74:31 9 94:37 9 101:05 9 108:09 9 135:20 8 187:24 9 193:58 9 197:11 9 3:17:11 25.95 8:15 8 9:33 10 13:54 10 25:20 7 6:41 9 4:15 6 6:33 8 20:06 8 6:28 9 7:04 9 27:11 8 52:04 8 6:34 9 3:13 8 5:01 5:18 10:41 16:37 5:12 2:04 3:37 12:25 3:11 4:16 20:06 41:21 4:11 2:13 Harold Meder DNF 11:09:34 8:26 9 15:46 8 23:35 8 42:46 6 45:33 6 50:53 6 61:06 6 82:20 6 87:41 6 93:06 6 136:09 9 8:26 9 7:20 8 7:49 8 19:11 6 2:47 7 5:20 8 10:13 10 21:14 10 5:21 5 5:25 6 43:03 10 5:12 3:05 4:36 10:28 1:18 3:09 7:17 13:33 2:04 2:37 35:58
* Overall time reflects a 10 minute bonus for picking up 10 controls while on his course. (Splits are unadjusted.)