Orienteering Raleigh NC

Backwoods Orienteering Klub, founded November 15, 1978 sponsors events and teaches orienteering in the North Carolina piedmont, around Raleigh, NC.

We invite you to try orienteering with us. Everyone is welcome at all our events. We always offer beginning, intermediate, advanced and expert courses (routes through the woods) at every Regular event.

Results: Sprint Orienteering at Eno River

Twenty-six people braved high temperature and humidity along with the threat of yellow jackets and overgrown vegetation for sprint orienteering at Eno River. Thirteen participants attempted both courses. Sprint A ‘Forest’ was on the west side of the suspension bridge and featured mostly runnable forest, but with some trickier control placement. Sprint B ‘Meadow’ was on the east and had people wading through an unmowed field a few times. Each course was slower due to the summer conditions. Thanks to Dave and Ian for their help with event set-up. And thanks to Dave, Vladimir and Tatyana for control pick-up.

Eno River Sprint,


Sprint A
2.2 km (9 Controls)

1 Vladimir Stemkovski 19:58 2005151
2 Marcin Stermolewski 20:41 +0:43 2114145
3 Imre Polik Backwoods Orienteering Klub 25:26 +5:28 7300514
4 Karen Strat 31:12 +11:14 1120900
5 Zach Fromme 35:14 +15:16 2005036
6 Dan Lilley 37:24 +17:26 2006763
7 Ken Walsh 46:00 +26:02 2006377
8 Colin Jennell-Smith 52:16 +32:18 2005052
9 Tatyana Stemkovski 53:27 +33:29 2005153
10 Greg Erickson 58:38 +38:40 2005030
11 Era and Alan McNeely 59:39 +39:41 2114171
12 Caleb Fromme 60:20 +40:22 2005033
13 Ronnie Weed 60:22 +40:24 2150761
14 Tony Landauer 60:33 +40:35 2106556
15 Tony Lawrence 60:51 +40:53 2028449
16 Cameron Lisy 63:07 +43:09 2114172
17 Robert and Jake Stewart 84:09 +64:11 2005032
18 Susan Carl 87:19 +67:21 2073218
19 Dalton Smart IV 95:30 +75:32 2143311
Brady Erickson MP 2005036
Leanna Gentry DNF 2005031

2.1 km (9 Controls)

1 Vladimir Stemkovski 19:54 2005151
2 Marcin Stermolewski 21:09 +1:15 2114145
3 Matt Craig 25:01 +5:07 7000530
4 Imre Polik Backwoods Orienteering Klub 25:51 +5:57 7300514
5 Zach Fromme 31:33 +11:39 2005036
6 David Waller 31:48 +11:54 2006764
7 Dalton Smart IV 35:13 +15:19 2143311
8 Ken Walsh 36:23 +16:29 2006377
9 Marcilynn Smith Rob Ward 40:45 +20:51 2114154
10 Tony Landauer 48:06 +28:12 2106556
= Ronnie Weed 48:06 +28:12 2150761
12 Tatyana Stemkovski 48:24 +28:30 2005153
13 Dan Lilley 51:38 +31:44 2006763
14 Caleb Fromme 55:45 +35:51 2005033
15 Tony Lawrence 60:45 +40:51 2028449
Connor Erickson MP 2005037

Eno River Sprint, Split times


Sprint A (21) 2.2 km 9 C
Pl Name / Club Time
1 (41) 2 (42) 3 (43) 4 (44) 5 (45) 6 (46) 7 (47) 8 (48) 9 (49) Finish
1 Vladimir Stemkovski 19:58 1:33 +0:00 (1) 3:17 +0:11 (3) 5:56 +0:00 (1) 8:14 +0:00 (1) 9:47 +0:00 (1) 11:45 +0:00 (1) 14:50 +0:00 (1) 17:10 +0:00 (1) 18:36 +0:00 (1) 19:58 +0:00 (1)
1:33 +0:00 (1) 1:44 +0:26 (3) 2:39 +0:00 (1) 2:18 +0:16 (2) 1:33 +0:00 (1) 1:58 +0:06 (2) 3:05 +0:22 (2) 2:20 +0:07 (2) 1:26 +0:06 (2) 1:22 +0:00 (1)
2 Marcin Stermolewski 20:41 1:48 +0:15 (3) 3:06 +0:00 (1) 6:47 +0:51 (3) 8:49 +0:35 (3) 10:54 +1:07 (3) 12:55 +1:10 (3) 15:38 +0:48 (2) 17:51 +0:41 (2) 19:11 +0:35 (2) 20:41 +0:43 (2)
1:48 +0:15 (3) 1:18 +0:00 (1) 3:41 +1:02 (3) 2:02 +0:00 (1) 2:05 +0:32 (2) 2:01 +0:09 (3) 2:43 +0:00 (1) 2:13 +0:00 (1) 1:20 +0:00 (1) 1:30 +0:08 (2)
3 Imre Polik 25:26 1:41 +0:08 (2) 3:14 +0:08 (2) 6:15 +0:19 (2) 8:42 +0:28 (2) 10:50 +1:03 (2) 12:42 +0:57 (2) 17:51 +3:01 (3) 20:19 +3:09 (3) 23:50 +5:14 (3) 25:26 +5:28 (3)
Backwoods Orienteering Klub 1:41 +0:08 (2) 1:33 +0:15 (2) 3:01 +0:22 (2) 2:27 +0:25 (3) 2:08 +0:35 (3) 1:52 +0:00 (1) 5:09 +2:26 (8) 2:28 +0:15 (3) 3:31 +2:11 (9) 1:36 +0:14 (3)
4 Karen Strat 31:12 2:24 +0:51 (5) 4:28 +1:22 (4) 8:11 +2:15 (4) 12:15 +4:01 (4) 15:24 +5:37 (4) 18:26 +6:41 (4) 22:04 +7:14 (4) 26:06 +8:56 (4) 28:31 +9:55 (4) 31:12 +11:14 (4)
2:24 +0:51 (5) 2:04 +0:46 (4) 3:43 +1:04 (4) 4:04 +2:02 (6) 3:09 +1:36 (5) 3:02 +1:10 (8) 3:38 +0:55 (3) 4:02 +1:49 (5) 2:25 +1:05 (4) 2:41 +1:19 (8)
5 Zach Fromme 35:14 2:56 +1:23 (6) 5:32 +2:26 (7) 10:56 +5:00 (6) 15:01 +6:47 (6) 18:16 +8:29 (6) 20:56 +9:11 (6) 24:56 +10:06 (5) 29:12 +12:02 (5) 32:45 +14:09 (5) 35:14 +15:16 (5)
2:56 +1:23 (6) 2:36 +1:18 (7) 5:24 +2:45 (7) 4:05 +2:03 (7) 3:15 +1:42 (6) 2:40 +0:48 (6) 4:00 +1:17 (6) 4:16 +2:03 (6) 3:33 +2:13 (10) 2:29 +1:07 (6)
6 Dan Lilley 37:24 3:05 +1:32 (8) 5:31 +2:25 (6) 10:15 +4:19 (5) 13:36 +5:22 (5) 17:52 +8:05 (5) 20:17 +8:32 (5) 27:57 +13:07 (6) 32:14 +15:04 (6) 35:13 +16:37 (6) 37:24 +17:26 (6)
3:05 +1:32 (8) 2:26 +1:08 (6) 4:44 +2:05 (6) 3:21 +1:19 (4) 4:16 +2:43 (9) 2:25 +0:33 (4) 7:40 +4:57 (15) 4:17 +2:04 (7) 2:59 +1:39 (7) 2:11 +0:49 (4)
7 Ken Walsh 46:00 2:12 +0:39 (4) 14:27 +11:21 (15) 18:42 +12:46 (12) 23:01 +14:47 (11) 26:23 +16:36 (8) 32:31 +20:46 (9) 36:15 +21:25 (7) 40:32 +23:22 (7) 43:22 +24:46 (7) 46:00 +26:02 (7)
2:12 +0:39 (4) 12:15 +10:57 (17) 4:15 +1:36 (5) 4:19 +2:17 (8) 3:22 +1:49 (7) 6:08 +4:16 (18) 3:44 +1:01 (5) 4:17 +2:04 (7) 2:50 +1:30 (5) 2:38 +1:16 (7)
8 Colin Jennell-Smith 52:16 9:57 +8:24 (19) 13:33 +10:27 (14) 19:01 +13:05 (13) 33:18 +25:04 (16) 36:16 +26:29 (15) 38:54 +27:09 (12) 42:33 +27:43 (11) 45:56 +28:46 (9) 48:16 +29:40 (8) 52:16 +32:18 (8)
9:57 +8:24 (19) 3:36 +2:18 (10) 5:28 +2:49 (8) 14:17 +12:15 (19) 2:58 +1:25 (4) 2:38 +0:46 (5) 3:39 +0:56 (4) 3:23 +1:10 (4) 2:20 +1:00 (3) 4:00 +2:38 (14)
9 Tatyana Stemkovski 53:27 5:44 +4:11 (15) 9:04 +5:58 (10) 15:15 +9:19 (9) 20:38 +12:24 (8) 25:45 +15:58 (7) 29:37 +17:52 (7) 38:33 +23:43 (9) 45:32 +28:22 (8) 48:57 +30:21 (9) 53:27 +33:29 (9)
5:44 +4:11 (15) 3:20 +2:02 (9) 6:11 +3:32 (9) 5:23 +3:21 (9) 5:07 +3:34 (13) 3:52 +2:00 (9) 8:56 +6:13 (18) 6:59 +4:46 (16) 3:25 +2:05 (8) 4:30 +3:08 (17)
10 Greg Erickson 58:38 4:58 +3:25 (12) 8:14 +5:08 (8) 14:50 +8:54 (8) 22:28 +14:14 (9) 29:36 +19:49 (11) 33:58 +22:13 (11) 44:58 +30:08 (12) 50:09 +32:59 (11) 55:34 +36:58 (11) 58:38 +38:40 (10)
4:58 +3:25 (12) 3:16 +1:58 (8) 6:36 +3:57 (11) 7:38 +5:36 (16) 7:08 +5:35 (17) 4:22 +2:30 (11) 11:00 +8:17 (19) 5:11 +2:58 (10) 5:25 +4:05 (19) 3:04 +1:42 (9)
11 Era and Alan McNeely 59:39 4:03 +2:30 (9) 8:58 +5:52 (9) 15:35 +9:39 (10) 22:40 +14:26 (10) 27:45 +17:58 (10) 32:49 +21:04 (10) 40:33 +25:43 (10) 49:43 +32:33 (10) 54:57 +36:21 (10) 59:39 +39:41 (11)
4:03 +2:30 (9) 4:55 +3:37 (11) 6:37 +3:58 (12) 7:05 +5:03 (14) 5:05 +3:32 (12) 5:04 +3:12 (13) 7:44 +5:01 (16) 9:10 +6:57 (18) 5:14 +3:54 (18) 4:42 +3:20 (18)
12 Caleb Fromme 60:20 5:00 +3:27 (13) 9:55 +6:49 (11) 17:37 +11:41 (11) 23:09 +14:55 (12) 27:24 +17:37 (9) 31:20 +19:35 (8) 37:51 +23:01 (8) 52:06 +34:56 (12) 56:09 +37:33 (12) 60:20 +40:22 (12)
5:00 +3:27 (13) 4:55 +3:37 (11) 7:42 +5:03 (15) 5:32 +3:30 (10) 4:15 +2:42 (8) 3:56 +2:04 (10) 6:31 +3:48 (11) 14:15 +12:02 (19) 4:03 +2:43 (16) 4:11 +2:49 (16)
13 Ronnie Weed 60:22 5:32 +3:59 (14) 13:21 +10:15 (12) 23:22 +17:26 (14) 30:31 +22:17 (14) 35:02 +25:15 (12) 40:18 +28:33 (13) 47:39 +32:49 (14) 53:22 +36:12 (13) 57:05 +38:29 (13) 60:22 +40:24 (13)
5:32 +3:59 (14) 7:49 +6:31 (16) 10:01 +7:22 (16) 7:09 +5:07 (15) 4:31 +2:58 (10) 5:16 +3:24 (14) 7:21 +4:38 (13) 5:43 +3:30 (14) 3:43 +2:23 (12) 3:17 +1:55 (10)
14 Tony Landauer 60:33 5:47 +4:14 (16) 13:23 +10:17 (13) 23:25 +17:29 (15) 30:26 +22:12 (13) 35:11 +25:24 (13) 40:28 +28:43 (14) 47:57 +33:07 (15) 53:32 +36:22 (15) 57:08 +38:32 (14) 60:33 +40:35 (14)
5:47 +4:14 (16) 7:36 +6:18 (15) 10:02 +7:23 (17) 7:01 +4:59 (13) 4:45 +3:12 (11) 5:17 +3:25 (15) 7:29 +4:46 (14) 5:35 +3:22 (12) 3:36 +2:16 (11) 3:25 +2:03 (12)
15 Tony Lawrence 60:51 4:40 +3:07 (10) 17:05 +13:59 (17) 24:24 +18:28 (16) 30:33 +22:19 (15) 36:04 +26:17 (14) 41:02 +29:17 (15) 46:19 +31:29 (13) 53:29 +36:19 (14) 57:31 +38:55 (15) 60:51 +40:53 (15)
4:40 +3:07 (10) 12:25 +11:07 (18) 7:19 +4:40 (14) 6:09 +4:07 (11) 5:31 +3:58 (16) 4:58 +3:06 (12) 5:17 +2:34 (9) 7:10 +4:57 (17) 4:02 +2:42 (15) 3:20 +1:58 (11)
16 Cameron Lisy 63:07 2:59 +1:26 (7) 5:19 +2:13 (5) 11:43 +5:47 (7) 20:20 +12:06 (7) 43:02 +33:15 (16) 45:51 +34:06 (16) 50:12 +35:22 (16) 55:49 +38:39 (16) 59:38 +41:02 (16) 63:07 +43:09 (16)
2:59 +1:26 (7) 2:20 +1:02 (5) 6:24 +3:45 (10) 8:37 +6:35 (17) 22:42 +21:09 (20) 2:49 +0:57 (7) 4:21 +1:38 (7) 5:37 +3:24 (13) 3:49 +2:29 (14) 3:29 +2:07 (13)
17 Robert and Jake Stewart 84:09 27:56 +26:23 (21) 34:44 +31:38 (20) 45:30 +39:34 (20) 51:44 +43:30 (20) 57:08 +47:21 (20) 62:27 +50:42 (18) 68:30 +53:40 (18) 73:41 +56:31 (17) 78:49 +60:13 (17) 84:09 +64:11 (17)
27:56 +26:23 (21) 6:48 +5:30 (14) 10:46 +8:07 (18) 6:14 +4:12 (12) 5:24 +3:51 (15) 5:19 +3:27 (16) 6:03 +3:20 (10) 5:11 +2:58 (10) 5:08 +3:48 (17) 5:20 +3:58 (19)
18 Susan Carl 87:19 10:50 +9:17 (20) 16:15 +13:09 (16) 28:46 +22:50 (18) 47:58 +39:44 (19) 56:38 +46:51 (19) 62:44 +50:59 (19) 73:48 +58:58 (19) 79:33 +62:23 (18) 83:17 +64:41 (18) 87:19 +67:21 (18)
10:50 +9:17 (20) 5:25 +4:07 (13) 12:31 +9:52 (20) 19:12 +17:10 (20) 8:40 +7:07 (18) 6:06 +4:14 (17) 11:04 +8:21 (20) 5:45 +3:32 (15) 3:44 +2:24 (13) 4:02 +2:40 (15)
19 Dalton Smart IV 95:30 4:53 +3:20 (11) 20:50 +17:44 (18) 28:07 +22:11 (17) 39:05 +30:51 (17) 48:01 +38:14 (18) 77:47 +66:02 (20) 85:49 +70:59 (20) 90:14 +73:04 (19) 93:04 +74:28 (19) 95:30 +75:32 (19)
4:53 +3:20 (11) 15:57 +14:39 (19) 7:17 +4:38 (13) 10:58 +8:56 (18) 8:56 +7:23 (19) 29:46 +27:54 (20) 8:02 +5:19 (17) 4:25 +2:12 (9) 2:50 +1:30 (5) 2:26 +1:04 (5)
Brady Erickson MP 6:28 +4:55 (17) 42:30 +39:24 (21) -:– -:– -:– -:– -:– -:– -:– 58:40
6:28 +4:55 (17) 36:02 +34:44 (21) -:–
Leanna Gentry DNF 7:23 +5:50 (18) 25:37 +22:31 (19) 36:27 +30:31 (19) 40:12 +31:58 (18) 45:27 +35:40 (17) 57:05 +45:20 (17) 63:41 +48:51 (17) -:– -:– 0:00
7:23 +5:50 (18) 18:14 +16:56 (20) 10:50 +8:11 (19) 3:45 +1:43 (5) 5:15 +3:42 (14) 11:38 +9:46 (19) 6:36 +3:53 (12) -:–
Ideal time: 18:35 1:33 1:18 2:39 2:02 1:33 1:52 2:43 2:13 1:20 1:22
SprintB (16) 2.1 km 9 C
Pl Name / Club Time
1 (51) 2 (52) 3 (53) 4 (54) 5 (55) 6 (56) 7 (57) 8 (58) 9 (53) Finish
1 Vladimir Stemkovski 19:54 0:45 +0:00 (1) 1:23 +0:00 (1) 2:48 +0:00 (1) 4:11 +0:00 (1) 7:18 +0:00 (1) 10:36 +0:00 (1) 11:33 +0:00 (1) 16:36 +0:00 (1) 18:31 +0:00 (1) 19:54 +0:00 (1)
0:45 +0:00 (1) 0:38 +0:00 (1) 1:25 +0:02 (2) 1:23 +0:00 (1) 3:07 +0:00 (1) 3:18 +0:00 (1) 0:57 +0:11 (2) 5:03 +0:21 (5) 1:55 +0:00 (1) 1:23 +0:00 (1)
2 Marcin Stermolewski 21:09 0:47 +0:02 (2) 1:25 +0:02 (2) 2:48 +0:00 (1) 4:16 +0:05 (2) 7:47 +0:29 (2) 11:28 +0:52 (2) 12:14 +0:41 (2) 17:16 +0:40 (2) 19:16 +0:45 (2) 21:09 +1:15 (2)
0:47 +0:02 (2) 0:38 +0:00 (1) 1:23 +0:00 (1) 1:28 +0:05 (2) 3:31 +0:24 (3) 3:41 +0:23 (3) 0:46 +0:00 (1) 5:02 +0:20 (4) 2:00 +0:05 (2) 1:53 +0:30 (7)
3 Matt Craig 25:01 1:02 +0:17 (4) 1:53 +0:30 (3) 3:33 +0:45 (3) 5:12 +1:01 (3) 10:05 +2:47 (3) 14:07 +3:31 (3) 15:28 +3:55 (3) 20:17 +3:41 (3) 23:26 +4:55 (3) 25:01 +5:07 (3)
1:02 +0:17 (4) 0:51 +0:13 (3) 1:40 +0:17 (3) 1:39 +0:16 (3) 4:53 +1:46 (7) 4:02 +0:44 (4) 1:21 +0:35 (8) 4:49 +0:07 (2) 3:09 +1:14 (7) 1:35 +0:12 (3)
4 Imre Polik 25:51 1:00 +0:15 (3) 2:04 +0:41 (4) 6:14 +3:26 (6) 9:05 +4:54 (5) 12:26 +5:08 (5) 15:50 +5:14 (4) 17:03 +5:30 (4) 21:53 +5:17 (4) 24:18 +5:47 (4) 25:51 +5:57 (4)
Backwoods Orienteering Klub 1:00 +0:15 (3) 1:04 +0:26 (5) 4:10 +2:47 (14) 2:51 +1:28 (8) 3:21 +0:14 (2) 3:24 +0:06 (2) 1:13 +0:27 (7) 4:50 +0:08 (3) 2:25 +0:30 (3) 1:33 +0:10 (2)
5 Zach Fromme 31:33 1:20 +0:35 (7) 8:18 +6:55 (13) 10:05 +7:17 (12) 12:03 +7:52 (9) 16:14 +8:56 (7) 20:49 +10:13 (7) 22:00 +10:27 (7) 26:42 +10:06 (6) 29:41 +11:10 (5) 31:33 +11:39 (5)
1:20 +0:35 (7) 6:58 +6:20 (14) 1:47 +0:24 (4) 1:58 +0:35 (6) 4:11 +1:04 (5) 4:35 +1:17 (5) 1:11 +0:25 (6) 4:42 +0:00 (1) 2:59 +1:04 (6) 1:52 +0:29 (6)
6 David Waller 31:48 1:43 +0:58 (8) 2:45 +1:22 (5) 4:36 +1:48 (4) 6:33 +2:22 (4) 11:32 +4:14 (4) 17:24 +6:48 (5) 18:47 +7:14 (5) 24:59 +8:23 (5) 29:41 +11:10 (5) 31:48 +11:54 (6)
1:43 +0:58 (8) 1:02 +0:24 (4) 1:51 +0:28 (6) 1:57 +0:34 (4) 4:59 +1:52 (8) 5:52 +2:34 (9) 1:23 +0:37 (9) 6:12 +1:30 (8) 4:42 +2:47 (11) 2:07 +0:44 (9)
7 Dalton Smart IV 35:13 1:50 +1:05 (10) 3:59 +2:36 (7) 7:11 +4:23 (7) 9:08 +4:57 (6) 13:31 +6:13 (6) 20:24 +9:48 (6) 21:28 +9:55 (6) 27:55 +11:19 (7) 31:59 +13:28 (7) 35:13 +15:19 (7)
1:50 +1:05 (10) 2:09 +1:31 (10) 3:12 +1:49 (7) 1:57 +0:34 (4) 4:23 +1:16 (6) 6:53 +3:35 (10) 1:04 +0:18 (3) 6:27 +1:45 (10) 4:04 +2:09 (8) 3:14 +1:51 (11)
8 Ken Walsh 36:23 1:48 +1:03 (9) 8:38 +7:15 (14) 11:56 +9:08 (13) 14:51 +10:40 (13) 19:58 +12:40 (10) 25:15 +14:39 (8) 26:41 +15:08 (8) 32:00 +15:24 (8) 34:39 +16:08 (8) 36:23 +16:29 (8)
1:48 +1:03 (9) 6:50 +6:12 (13) 3:18 +1:55 (9) 2:55 +1:32 (9) 5:07 +2:00 (9) 5:17 +1:59 (7) 1:26 +0:40 (10) 5:19 +0:37 (6) 2:39 +0:44 (5) 1:44 +0:21 (5)
9 Marcilynn Smith Rob Ward 40:45 1:03 +0:18 (5) 3:30 +2:07 (6) 5:20 +2:32 (5) 10:15 +6:04 (7) 21:29 +14:11 (13) 26:56 +16:20 (9) 28:06 +16:33 (9) 34:29 +17:53 (9) 38:44 +20:13 (9) 40:45 +20:51 (9)
1:03 +0:18 (5) 2:27 +1:49 (11) 1:50 +0:27 (5) 4:55 +3:32 (16) 11:14 +8:07 (15) 5:27 +2:09 (8) 1:10 +0:24 (5) 6:23 +1:41 (9) 4:15 +2:20 (9) 2:01 +0:38 (8)
10 Tony Landauer 48:06 2:24 +1:39 (14) 4:30 +3:07 (10) 8:30 +5:42 (10) 12:29 +8:18 (12) 20:17 +12:59 (12) 27:34 +16:58 (12) 29:17 +17:44 (11) 39:35 +22:59 (11) 44:35 +26:04 (11) 48:06 +28:12 (10)
2:24 +1:39 (14) 2:06 +1:28 (8) 4:00 +2:37 (11) 3:59 +2:36 (13) 7:48 +4:41 (13) 7:17 +3:59 (12) 1:43 +0:57 (11) 10:18 +5:36 (13) 5:00 +3:05 (13) 3:31 +2:08 (12)
10 Ronnie Weed 48:06 2:21 +1:36 (13) 4:28 +3:05 (9) 8:30 +5:42 (10) 12:27 +8:16 (11) 20:06 +12:48 (11) 27:20 +16:44 (11) 29:06 +17:33 (10) 39:34 +22:58 (10) 44:26 +25:55 (10) 48:06 +28:12 (10)
2:21 +1:36 (13) 2:07 +1:29 (9) 4:02 +2:39 (12) 3:57 +2:34 (12) 7:39 +4:32 (11) 7:14 +3:56 (11) 1:46 +1:00 (12) 10:28 +5:46 (14) 4:52 +2:57 (12) 3:40 +2:17 (14)
12 Tatyana Stemkovski 48:24 2:39 +1:54 (15) 4:37 +3:14 (11) 7:51 +5:03 (8) 12:14 +8:03 (10) 18:40 +11:22 (8) 28:32 +17:56 (13) 31:17 +19:44 (12) 40:16 +23:40 (12) 44:51 +26:20 (12) 48:24 +28:30 (12)
2:39 +1:54 (15) 1:58 +1:20 (6) 3:14 +1:51 (8) 4:23 +3:00 (14) 6:26 +3:19 (10) 9:52 +6:34 (15) 2:45 +1:59 (14) 8:59 +4:17 (11) 4:35 +2:40 (10) 3:33 +2:10 (13)
13 Dan Lilley 51:38 1:10 +0:25 (6) 6:05 +4:42 (12) 29:15 +26:27 (15) 31:34 +27:23 (15) 35:38 +28:20 (15) 40:33 +29:57 (15) 41:37 +30:04 (15) 47:26 +30:50 (14) 50:03 +31:32 (13) 51:38 +31:44 (13)
1:10 +0:25 (6) 4:55 +4:17 (12) 23:10 +21:47 (15) 2:19 +0:56 (7) 4:04 +0:57 (4) 4:55 +1:37 (6) 1:04 +0:18 (3) 5:49 +1:07 (7) 2:37 +0:42 (4) 1:35 +0:12 (3)
14 Caleb Fromme 55:45 2:08 +1:23 (11) 4:07 +2:44 (8) 7:51 +5:03 (8) 11:01 +6:50 (8) 18:41 +11:23 (9) 27:00 +16:24 (10) 31:43 +20:10 (13) 42:57 +26:21 (13) 52:44 +34:13 (14) 55:45 +35:51 (14)
2:08 +1:23 (11) 1:59 +1:21 (7) 3:44 +2:21 (10) 3:10 +1:47 (11) 7:40 +4:33 (12) 8:19 +5:01 (13) 4:43 +3:57 (15) 11:14 +6:32 (15) 9:47 +7:52 (15) 3:01 +1:38 (10)
15 Tony Lawrence 60:45 2:15 +1:30 (12) 11:25 +10:02 (15) 15:28 +12:40 (14) 19:54 +15:43 (14) 29:43 +22:25 (14) 38:44 +28:08 (14) 41:25 +29:52 (14) 51:35 +34:59 (15) 56:57 +38:26 (15) 60:45 +40:51 (15)
2:15 +1:30 (12) 9:10 +8:32 (15) 4:03 +2:40 (13) 4:26 +3:03 (15) 9:49 +6:42 (14) 9:01 +5:43 (14) 2:41 +1:55 (13) 10:10 +5:28 (12) 5:22 +3:27 (14) 3:48 +2:25 (15)
Connor Erickson MP 6:50 +6:05 (16) -:– 24:37 27:34 -:– -:– -:– -:– -:– 29:08
6:50 +6:05 (16) -:– 2:57 +1:34 (10) -:–
Ideal time: 19:20 0:45 0:38 1:23 1:23 3:07 3:18 0:46 4:42 1:55 1:23

Created 2023-08-14 09:06:23 with SI-Droid Event 1.15.8